Mini SOS

Our highly acclaimed Studio Owner Symposium available in bite-size 90 minute session jam packed with just the essentials of making a successful business.  The SOS is perfect for pole studio owners, aerial studio owners, and other business owners within the industry. The business principals presented within the SOS are a mix of time tested best business practices and the latest cutting edge technique to help your business get ahead. We specialize in helping business go from surviving to thriving. 
All work shops are led by Katrina Wyckoff, president of the US Pole Sports Federation with 20 years experience in successful studio business management and entrepreneurship.

The Mini SOS sessions can be taken individually or as a group. They do not need to be taken in order.

Sessions are open to:
*Seasoned Successful Business Owners to looking to up their game
*Struggling but Learning Business Operators looking for specific strategies to improve
*Business Hopefuls looking to learn more about the industry and if entrepreneurship is right for them. 

The Studio Business Success Method is
1-Step into Your Highest Self as a Leader
2-Create a kick-ass program
3-Establish Your Brand and Nail Your Marketing
4-Empower your Team
5-Know Your Numbers and Your Laws

Mini SOS A

Here we delve into business owner mindset and uncovering what is holding you back. We focus on specific strategies to help you envision the future of your business and then get out of your own way. 

Next we look at what it takes to create a truly remarkable program that consistently delivers on the promise they make to their clients. 

90 Mins

Mini SOS B

Next we uncover what makes an unforgettable brand that will attract clients. 
From there we discuss how to bring in clients on autopilot.

Then we look at how to empower your team to be profit warriors aimed at keeping the business successful so that they can impact more clients in more meaningful ways. 

90 Mins

Mini SOS C

Here we discuss the importance of knowing your numbers and key performance indicators. 

We also look at how to make sure your business is always operating legally even if you don't have a lawyer on retainer.

Then we reveal how to turn on the gas in your business by optimizing the things you are already doing so you can get the most juice from the squeeze.

90 mins

Mini SOS

Our Mini SOS goes through the entire Studio Success Formula in just 90 minutes. We focus on the most impactful things that you can implement right away in your business to turn things around and creating lasting profitability, impact and ease. 

Get ready to take a lot of notes and walk out feeling empowered to create the business you've always dreamed of. 

90 mins.